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Earth Day: 8 Practical Ways To Utilize The Natural World for Mental Wellness

Happy Earth Day!!

Kelsee is passionate about sharing the healing effects of the natural world with anyone and everyone who will listen. She lives this out as she offers outdoor based therapy sessions, as a mental health counselor. But she also lives this out in her personal life as an outdoor enthusiast.

In this episode, Kelsee shares why she decided to offer eco-therapy as a modality in her counseling practice, as well as 8 ways you can engage with the natural world to achiever specific objectives for your mental health. Tune in to see how you can connect with the natural world, even indoors!

In this episode Kelsee also gives a shout out to a fellow friend and colleague who also practices outdoor counseling in Indianapolis. Her name is Bailey Sims, of Mind-Body-Nature Counseling. Visit her BEAUTIFUL instagram and websites at: @mindbodynaturecounseling and . She has an inspiring newsletter, free resources (including a free workshop coming up) and a beautiful social media presence that you'll find refreshing and encouraging.

If you're all caught up on Evergreen Thinking and looking for some other shows that hit on similar themes (aka meaningful conversation and outdoor inspiration) follow @plugtoneaudio on Instagram and Spotify to check out the other shows involved with Kelsee's podcast community. You'll love these insightful, adventurous, and hilarious folks as much as we do.

For more information about working with Kelsee as your counselor or coach, visit and on instagram @kelseekeitel and @hemlockcounselingservices

To get further connected with the Evergreen Thinking Podcast, visit or follow @evergreenthinkingpod

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